S O C I A L P R A C T I S E : N E W  E A R T H
F R O M  E G O  T O  E C O
Tatjana Borodin
P R O J E C T 
Lydia, 21, Illustration, WdKA
Eline, 22, Lifestyle Transformation Design, WdKA
Tatjana, 23, Lifestyle Transformation Design, WdKA
we all have the goal of getting more and more conscious about their trash consumption, ecological footprint and impact on the earth.
P R O J E C T ' S  G O A L
By focusing on primary school education, we want to change the mental models, that lead to an improved awareness of waste and consumption. This should be succeeded through an workshop called "Taking Care of Gaia".
= our ecological footprint.
= questioning becoming primary school teachers about their lifestyles and teaching about sustainability.
= the results:
they were not very sustainably motivated.
Gaia is not just a mythological name personification of mother Earth. In our project it is a tool you grow by adding one piece of trash per day over a month.
= collecting one piece of trash per day.
= evolution of Gaia